Yippee...it's spring!
Our birdhouse in the middle of the blueberry patch |
We had a lot of ups and downs here in the pacific northwest corner of Oregon this winter, with record rain at times, then snow, then sun and back to rain.
On the kitchen windowsill |
But, finally, spring is here! And it is shaping up to be one of the most beautiful springs in years.
One of sunsets |
Our evening sunsets are only outdone by the many rainbows we have when a stray, fluffy white cloud decides to sprinkle our flowers.
I collect cloches...and most everything garden-y |
The smells are heavenly...sort of a grass mixed with peach, plum and cherry blossom fragrance.
I want one! |
A nice surprise (actually about eight surprises) are the wee baby lambs our neighbor's sheep had just a few days ago; pristine-white and velvet-soft bundles of fluff with tiny little baby lamb bleats.