Ordinary people serving God in extraordinary ways.
People finding strength in the gifts and talents they've received from God to help their own community.
Each chapter has a story of how, what and why a unique service was created, along with heartwarming stories from the lives that have been touched.
In Hilo, Hawaii, the first Christian church in the islands continues to serve their people and keep their heritage alive. 

The first church for African Americans was started in the early 1700's with a rich history and continues to serve their people around the Boston area today. A Jewish synogogue preaches that Jesus is the true son of God in New York City. Near the crime-ridden slums of the Crimini-Green neighborhood in Chicago, a church purchased land for a community center and is slowly changing the neighborhood. The Amish, although appearing separate from their neighbors, actually have a vital role in helping their entire community. California, a state where the minorities are now the majority, has a church that serves its community through their lifestyle of farming. The list goes on throughout every region in America.
It looks like a busy year, as I start my tour of churches, interviews and speaking engagements in only a few short weeks. I start my first visit to an Amish community during harvest season and will branch out from there, ending at the finish line in Nome during the Iditorod next March and then Hilo to warm back up. I love our country, love our people and find it interesting how different, yet alike, the ingredients are that have formed the melting pot called the United States.
Meanwhile, I continue my women's inspirational gift book line. They fill my days with joy as I write and paint about life's celebrations.

Have a beautiful day!