A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

A Beautiful Summer Day

Hydrangeas have covered the north side of my house. This bouquet in our sunroom is the first of many to come.
Getting ready for next week's book conference and painting for various illustrating jobs has been keeping me busy. I still find plenty of time to spend outside, though. When the ocean breeze beckons me to put down the paintbrush and go outside, I tend the bulging garden, cut bouquets from overgrown flower bushes and watch birds play in the sprinklers.

The other morning, these two tiny birds played at the top of the fountain.

Our produce seems to be almost a month ahead of its usual schedule. Have you ever had raspberry-gooseberry pie? It is DELICIOUS! Just make your usual berry pie recipe, using 1/2 raspberries and 1/2 gooseberries.
An aunt of a good farmer friend from Iowa made this pie for me years ago, and now that I have gooseberries I finally made it.

The gooseberries look like jewels in the sunlight.
I picked the first large, ripe tomato the other day. A couple of the plants are over my head, and I'm 5'8"! The green beans are winning the race and I made bread and butter pickles the other morning. I think we'll have our first fat ears of corn in 1-2 weeks.
Well...back to the drawing board.


  1. Nancy,
    You're a natural blogger! Giving me lots of good ideas about how to go about blogging. Cheers, Marianne Smith

  2. Now I want to grow gooseberries!

  3. Evelyn7/29/2009

    Do u have a good pie crust recipe? Mine r always tough. Can you send it or put it on your website?
