A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Plan Ahead...Save Your Seeds!

For years I have saved heirloom flower seeds to plant a border around the vegetable gardens. They attract honey bees for pollination and "good" bugs (like ladybugs and lacewings) that help eat the "bad" bugs. Most of the seeds come up as expected, but sometimes I'm surprised at a color that pops up.
flowers surrounding cucumber plants
This year I made some cute little seed packets to save my seeds in. I pick the seeds off the plants, place them on a paper towel and let them dry for a few days. Then I place them in these envelopes and seal them. I'll sow them early next spring (usually around mid-April for our zone 7.)

Little seed saver envelopes. The flap says,
"Enjoy these flowers the Lord has made and "worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness." Psalm 96:9

You can print and make some of these cute seed-saver envelopes, too. Here's how...

 Envelope Template
  1. Click on the template picture above; a large picture of it will come up on your screen.
  2. Right click on the picture.
  3. Click on "save picture as" and save it to your computer.
  4. Bring up the picture in the software of your choice and print it. Two can fit on one page if you turn it to its side.
  5. Print, cut out, fold the flaps, then glue the bottom flap to the side flaps.
 I hope that you save some seeds for yourself and also share some with a neighbor. It is not so much about saving money, although that is nice, but seeing flowers grow into beautiful bouquets from seeds you harvested yourself. It is a colorful miracle of life.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I finally made some of your envelopes. I was able to make them different sizes, and even gave some to friends. They are SO CUTE!!! thank you
