A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Valentine's Day Tea Towel Patterns

Here are two cute patterns to embroider on a tea towel for Valentine's Day. Hang your towel over a cabinet door or over the back of a chair to add a cheery welcome to a beloved day.
1. Left click on the pattern picture below that you wish to use. This will bring the picture up larger on your computer screen. Right click on the picture, then click on "print picture." The pattern will be printed to scale.

2. Click here for  materials, directions and how-to embroider videos from the past blog, "A Year of Tea Towels."

3. Embroider in the colors shown under the pattern. (These patterns also look good in "redwork" or "bluework." Anotherwords, all of the embroidery is done just in red or blue floss.)

Meet Elizabeth. She will be in some of the patterns for the primitive decor.

6-strand Embroidery Floss (divide into 3 strands) Colors for Elizabeth:
Deep Red
Shell Pink
Medium Blue
Mossy Green

This is Mary Jane. She will be in patterns with a more retro style. Important...Click on the larger picutre that is on its side for printing out the pattern!
Do not use this picture for the pattern; use the one below that is on its side.

6-strand Embroidery Floss (divide into 3 strands) Colors for Mary Jane:
Deep Red
Shell Pink
Medium Blue
Mossy Green
Bright Yellow
I found this simple red tea towel in a local craft shop and embroidered Elizabeth on it in all white floss. I was able to complete the embroidery while on a flight. It adds a nice splash of color to my kitchen as it hangs on the oven door. Experiment with different colored towels or add various material and trims to the edge of a simple white flour sack towel. Have fun!


  1. I love your patterns. Thank you so much. I will tell all my embrodiery friends about your wonderful blog. Anna from MI

  2. Thank you Anna from MI. I would love to see/post pictures of what you or your friends embroider with these patterns!Have a happy day.
