A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Berry Good Things to Smile About

Listening to my family having five conversations at once. Eating berries right off the bush in the cool, dew-drenched morning. A story in my head that can't wait to be written. Autumn sunrise. Chocolate covered cherries. A surprise visit with a friend at the market.
Ramble off your favorite things as fast as you can and you can't help but smile. Smiling is the secret to health and serenity according to several spiritual traditions. "A deep inner smile spreads like a relaxing elixir making us receptive to transform negative energy into positive. Smile therapy actually lowers the stress hormones cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenaline and produces hormones which stabilise blood pressure, relax muscles, improve respiration, reduce pain, accelerate healing and stabilise mood." (Hodgkinson L. (1994) Smile Therapy, Optima.)
A friend of mine needs a smile. Many issues; health, family, etc., have gone askew for her lately. She doesn't need a sermon or advice. She just has to work through this, knowing she has friends that love her and are there if she needs them.
Since it is the height of berry season here, I am putting together a berry basket to leave on her doorstep.

Filled with berry jam, scones, blackberry tea, a bag of fresh blueberries and a berry candle, I think it will bring a smile to her heart. I needed something to line the berry basket, so I embroidered this quick berry design on a square piece of linen.

Embroidery Pattern (click on picture to enlarge and print)
-2 strand floss, stem stitch
-deep red writing
-berry pink berries (french knot dots)
-moss green leaves and stems (daisy stitch loops)
This would look good on a tea towel, also. I love that this simple design was completely embroidered during one two-hour long John Wayne classic last weekend.
I hope your day is rich with "berry good things" and includes smile therapy. It's fun medicine!


  1. Thank you for the free patterns and ideas. I've already made a couple of tea towels (meant for gifts) and couldn't part with them.

  2. Anonymous8/01/2010

    Thanks, as always, for the smiles :O )and optimism

  3. Dawn K.8/06/2010

    Will you be back to Tennessee this fall? I want my friends to hear you speak and also want to see more of your holiday stuff. Where can I find your speaking schedule?
