A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Favorite Days

Most everyone I meet says that autumn is their favorite time of year. What's not to love? The air smells earthy and clean with the first rains, yet it is warm enough not to care if you get caught in it by surprise. Nights are crisp, days are warm and we can turn our free time from gardening and canning to crafting and quilting.

rustic embroidered tea towel
I just finished another tea towel and the petite pumpkin quilted wall hanging is in place above the calendar. Don't you love rustic? It covers so many mistakes. This was made with fabric scraps, then tea-dyed and framed all in one afternoon.

 Unlike the quick and rustic pumpkin, my sister Linda has quite an eye for detail. She hand quilts all of her pieces, and I have been lucky to receive some of her beautiful wall quilts and table runners. She has such talent and patience, not to mention a loving heart for giving me such treasures!

Autumn quilt by Linda McCoy
I cleaned the garden out of all its pumpkins and lined them up on windowsills, tables and porches. I'm ready for tricks and treats! Well, maybe just treats.

Happy autumn!


  1. It's my favorite time of year, too! Just wish it wasn't so hot here in sunny California! I'm ready for fall. I enjoy your blog. thanks.

  2. Fall is my favorite also! Spring is a close second. I really like your tea towel and quilts,I think you've captured rustic and simplicity! I really like your illustrations too! Thanks Nancy, as always, for brightening my day!

  3. Love that Tea Towel Nancy!

  4. Anonymous10/17/2011

    Nancy-Thank you for your embroidery patterns!
