A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Who Cares?

How many times have you asked yourself this question? Sometimes it's easy to get the blues and wonder if anyone really cares while everyone around you is caught up in the madness of the season. Why make homemade cookies instead of store bought? Why decorate when nobody seems to notice?

I could go on because that is how I was feeling this season. Blame it on many things, I didn't have the usual holiday exuberance this year. That is, until yesterday.

It started when I walked up the steps of the hair salon to a waft of warm air filled with the scent of Christmas. There was happy chatter among ladies getting their hair done for the holidays. As busy as she was, my stylist greeted me with a hug and smile. A genuine smile, too, if you know what I mean!

As I sat in the chair, Lauren gave me a festive blue package. "You can open it now or later."

In it was a candle (she knows me!) and three pretty little bags that were all Christmasy filled with yummy homemade cookies and candies.  It was obvious that she had thought of me along with other friends as she bought the pretty little bags, made the goodies and festively wrapped them.

I left with a fresh new hairdo and spirit. Lighting the candle as soon as I got home, I finished decorating the house, put out the welcome flag and hung the wreath.

After all...why is Christmas?

The wise men brought Jesus gifts that had meaning. They must have thought of the significance of the Christ child to bring...
  • gold - symbolic of Christ's deity
  • incense - symbolizing purity
  • myrrh - symbolizing his future death to give us eternal life (myrrh was used in embalming)
The angels sang to him. Shepherd's worshiped him.

I have seen how precious something made from the heart and hands is to receive. I might be a bit late this year, but watch out people...I now have a full year to start "making!"

ps...here is a great blog that gives ideas for celebrating with more meaning. Grinchmas: Top 10 Ways to De-emphasize Gifts and Reclaim your Christmas Spirit  Thanks, Marianne!


  1. Wow, Nancy! Thanks for the link :) Loved your post. I'm behind too, but I'm starting TODAY! You've put me in the right frame of mind, AND it's strangely 65 degrees here. That's a great recipe for decorating outside!!!

  2. Sheri M.12/14/2011

    I can't imagine you without the holiday spirit and lots of homemade things, Nancy! So glad that you are now feeling merrier about Christmas. And I look forward to lots of ideas for homemade stuff for next year from you. Merry Christmas, Nancy.

  3. Thanks for the kick in the butt Nancy! It's easy to feel overwhelmed but it's nice to know there's a way out and that you're not the only one. Love those illustrations! And the link too!
