A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

My First Dog Show

I knew it was going to be a fun day when I saw world champion dogs playing in the rain with their handlers as we drove to the parking lot. "They're allowed to get muddy paws?" You betcha!

This was my first visit to an AKC dog show and the end to my perception that purebreds and their handlers are "stuffy."

Newfoundlands having a meeting
 It was an all-breed show, which meant that every breed was being judged. With over 160 breeds, there was more going on then you could see in the course of one day.

Labs just wanna have fun. Their tails never stop wagging.
There were six rings of different breeds being judged, two agility courses and, meanwhile, dogs mingling with the crowd as they got ready for their red carpet walk.

This was my Rottweiler buddy.
He'd lean hard against you if you stopped petting
(and he weighed a LOT)
He also gave me a kiss. sweeeeet.
Do they enjoy being pampered? YES! Their tails were wagging
and they got lots of pets, hugs and attention.
 You could also walk through the bath and grooming area.

"I look good coming and going, dahling!"
The dogs were in their element as they greeted everyone. I was a little surprised at how accessible the dogs were to us. You need to ask the handler if you can pet them, but every one of them obliged and were pleased that we wanted to.

We met champions face to face. Some of the parent dogs of those champions were there, too.

 We also got to meet puppies at their first AKC show. Cute! It was nice to see the handlers being so patient and kind. Unlike the more dignified veterans, the youngsters would jump up on the handler to play or get praised at the very end of their debut walk. I guess puppies will be puppies even if they are future champions!
It was clear that these are pets, first and foremost, that just happen to also be show dogs. Each dog was a ham; grinning, wagging and proud to have their turn in the spotlight.

 I think the AKC is doing a great service for us and dogs. We would probably see most of these breeds gone if it wasn't for this organization. Their strict guidelines for breeding ensure the health and welfare of the dogs. If you have a chance to go to a show, please do, and take the kids! Whether you have a mixed breed shelter dog (as have been all of mine,) a purebred or have never owned a dog, I know that you will have a fun time.

  Everyone, especially the dogs, loved the agility course!

1 comment:

  1. Those are some great pictures Nancy, the dogs look every bit as happy as you sound! I've been to a show also and I would have to agree, you won't stop smiling.
