A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

March Tea Towel

March is only two days away! Yet, the Midwest and east are having snowstorms. My friends in California are entering into another drought year and it is more like the beginning of summer there. But here in northwest Oregon, the daffodils and hyacinths are starting to blossom right on cue.
Daffodils along our walk by the perennial garden
Blue skies are interrupted periodically by fresh spring rains. The wind is blowing winter out of here and the robins are serenading spring into our neck of the woods. Yesterday, I mowed the lawn for the first time this year. Oh, the sweet smell!
Time to decorate for spring!
It's hard to be painting Christmas art right now. I dearly love call-outs for art (I seem to do my best under pressure and deadlines!) and this is a good one, so I will turn on the Christmas music and get in the mood for holiday paintings. First, though, I have to share a new tea towel embroidery pattern I recently designed.
March tea towel
March, with blustery winds and spring rains, is a fickle, fun, frolicking month. So, what better than a girl with her hair and umbrella blowing in the windy March rain.
Just left click on the image above to bring up, then right click and print. If you are going to print it onto transfer paper, be sure to mirror the image (so the writing is correct when you iron it on.)
I put the pattern on a light table and copy onto my flour sack towel with a very fine permanent blue pen, then embroider with three strands of floss. If you don't have a light table, tape the pattern to a sunny window. Embroider, add some spring fabric and ric-rac to the bottom and you have a cute tea towel to give to your best friend or keep yourself.
Use whatever colors you want. This would be cute as  redwork, too.
Well, I better stop looking at the daffodils and get to work on snowmen and ornaments. I'm glad spring is only a few short weeks away! Wherever you may be, I hope spring is in your heart, if not in your yard.

A Day to Celebrate!

Happy February 1st!

This is one of my favorite months. So many good things have happened to me in February, and this year is no exception.
Today starts a new and wonderful adventure in the art world.
To celebrate the day and the many blessings that have happened on it, Glen gave me a dozen red roses. Isn't love grand?
I've moved into my new studio addition to provide more space for painting, writing and sewing. I hung the garden flag samples on a clothesline above shelves that are yet to be filled. More flag art is going out next week...I love painting for home and garden!
Studio "B" is painted in a light New England blue with cream and crimson accents. This is the thinking corner where I can read, dream and sketch. A table just for cutting and a light table sits next to it along with shelves filled with books and samples.
I love the very large painting desk that sits in front of the window overlooking a perennial garden and fountain.
Studio "A" has remained light tea green and tan, with bird silhouettes painted on the walls. There are built-ins around the entire studio. This studio room is now relegated to writing and business.
I'm happy to finally have an entire table and wall of cabinets dedicated to sewing. So many cupboards for fabric! Now if I could only find the time to quilt more!
As I start a new and exciting venture today, I am reminded that God has truly blessed me with a wonderful family, friends and business. I would like to bottle this feeling to bring out whenever I feel negative about something. I guess I will jot it down in my journal and pull it out to remember on those days. Meanwhile, today, this week, this month is going to be spectacular! I hope that you have a wonderful February, too.