A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Summer is Near

Cold winter temperatures are fighting to stay in a small part of our country. However, a friend wrote that Northern California hit ninety degrees a couple of days ago! We are enjoying a beautiful spring here in the Pacific Northwest, with temperatures in the sixties. Vibrant green hues are a beautiful backdrop for so many flowers in bloom. achhoooo!
I did my summer garden shopping on Sunday. Glen decided that he would rather shovel compost into the garden beds than go shopping with me (is that a match made in heaven, or what!) and so I headed for Bauman's. Wow, what a sight for someone that loves color, gardening and the countryside!
I came home with every seat, floorboard and the back of our SUV loaded with plants. The car smelled heavenly.
This week, Cotton and I are planting a flat or two during our lunch break. The flowers get planted now, but the vegetables need a week or two to harden off.
Cotton turned one last Saturday!
With summer around the corner, I decided to embroider a pillow to liven up the living room, also. I think the needlework is done thanks to some recent lengthy airplane rides to tropical lands; now I will design the border. To quilt it or not, that is the question!
Pillow top with embroidery and applique yo-yo's
I hope that you are enjoying a beautiful spring.


  1. Chris H. H.4/23/2013

    I like the summer embroidery pattern. Will you be posting the pattern? Happy spring to you, too.

  2. Hi Chris: I'll scan it in and try to post it soon. Thanks!

  3. That sounds like a wonderful day Nancy! And then more wonderful days planting the flowers and garden. JOY!!! I guess somebody's gotta move the compost :O ) Can I borrow Glen for a day or so?

    I love that Summer pillow embroidery too! Thank you Nancy for another uplifting and very happy blog that has brightened my day.

  4. Anonymous11/20/2019

    What is the most amount of money a family of 5 and self employed should claim to still receive a tax return for the new year.
    Help please? You must report what you actually made. The end result
    (refund or balance due) is determined by that.
    Also, Self-employed persons who end up with a refund are being reviewed by the IRS at a very high rate and the taxpayers are routinely asked to provide the IRS with proof of income.
