A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Welcome Fall!

Canadian Geese called out to us as they flew overhead Saturday, telling us that autumn has arrived. Our seasons here in the northwest corner of Oregon usually arrive right on the scheduled calendar day, and this fall is no exception. 
As much as I love gardening, I'm happy that the vegetable garden is waning. Our freezer and pantry is full. Not much is left to preserve except the apples, figs and persimmons. I think I'll can applesauce this weekend and, of course, make a delectable apple pie. 
We are still getting a lot of heirloom tomatoes!
We still are picking tomatoes, cucumbers and squash. We diligently pick the tomatoes before cool, damp evenings split them. 
Glen is learning to cook and made these delicious cinnamon zucchini breads on Sunday. The house smelled heavenly. I'm not going to mind sharing the kitchen with him at all!
Heavenly blue morning glory on one of our trellises.
Speaking of heavenly, the flowers have received renewed vitality with the cool showers. I'm enjoying every bloom before the frost chases them away, which is usually the first part of November for us. 

I'm painting for two calls for art this week...both for holiday. It's the perfect week to play some old timey music, burn the spiced pumpkin candle and paint Christmas joy. 

I hope that you, my dear reader and friend, will enjoy this first week of autumn, too.
Autumn Days are Here Again!


  1. Fall is here and I miss the extra hours of day light Nancy but i'll enjoy it all the more when it returns. You have such a nice way of describing the seasonal events and your pictures add so much. That bread sounds and looks delicious. Thanks for giving me another uplifting morning Nancy!

  2. Fall is a bit warm here in the southwest, but still my fav time of year. Your blog is uplifting. Thanks for the smiles. Lori
