"Snow Nancy" and "Snow Glen" |
The first hard freeze is here this week, firmly closing the door on autumn and kick-starting winter. Last weekend I scurried to cover the root crops, ready the well house and mulch the perennials. Containers were placed into the protection of our porches and fountains were covered to keep ice at bay.
Our home covered in a blanket of snow |
One night in the 20's and autumn was rushed off the stage. Now, the temps fight to reach above freezing during the day and are in the low teens at night. The wind chill places temps below zero...ouch! The pond is completely iced over and our walks are on forest floors that crunch from heaved, frozen ground.
icicles decorate our eaves |
Today was our first snowfall of the season, so we made a huge pot of homemade chili and are ready to snuggle in the sunroom as we watch the flakes fall.
A winter wonderland just outside our door |
The hustle of the holidays turns my attention away from gardening, but my love of all things garden-y make their way even into the decorating. Donning my winter garb, I have a hot drink in one hand and pruners in the other as Cotton (our yellow lab) and I stroll down our woodland paths. I cut berries, pines and sprigs of boxwood. How satisfying to walk with God in the crisp, clean air on such beautiful mornings!
Even my Christmas decorations are all things "nature and garden-y" |
Time for cutout cookies and hot cocoa.
Happy holidaying!