A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Easy, Wonderfully Scented Cinnamon Cutouts

The Thanksgiving turkey hasn't been completely devoured, yet I'm ready for Christmas decorating! 

Forget fighting the crowds at the mall, I'm gathering holly, pines, dry hydrangea blossoms and rose hips from our woods to start putting the jolly into my holiday.
My favorite oldies-but-goodies carols are loaded on the iPod and I'm ready to make home smell as wonderful as it feels. I make these cinnamon ornaments every year. 
So many uses...add jute or a ribbon (I like torn fabric) and hang them on the tree or garland, put them in a wreath, add them to a gift bow or toss them in potpourri. Place them anywhere you want a homespun look with the smell of cinnamon.
You can paint them with white "puffy 3-d" paint from the craft store if you want them to look like gingerbread.
Have fun making these and enjoy the scent of the season for weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas Nancy! Thanks for the holiday tip . . . & the smile!
