A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Greet Your Guests

Even in winter, the hopeless gardeners among us can find solace in some outdoor "gardening" to get outside and get dirty!
Winter pansies waiting to come home with me
Greet your guests before they knock on your door with personal touches along the path. 
A nice arrangement of winter pansies and evergreens
Punctuate the walk with planted pots of early spring bulbs or group containers of collected enamel ware with various sizes of evergreens. 
My latest favorites...lemon cypress!
What a nice excuse to visit our favorite garden shops!
Moss grows abundantly in the Pacific Northwest;
I tuck it into most every arrangement
Think big and generous when it comes to pots. Use faux terra cotta or concrete pots that are fiberglass or plastic sot hey don't crack from ice and snow.
Ornamental kale and cabbages are like huge flowers
On dark winter days, guide the visitor with luminaries or strings of white tiny lights placed discreetly among the plants.
I'm a pushover for an old chair
Spray paint an old chair, not more than $5.00 from the thrift store, that you don't mind sacrificing to the elements. Place pots on and around it, and maybe a cup of bird food. Expect happy sounds from thankful birds and smiles from your guests!
Stellar jays flitter among our evergreens all winter long.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Nancy, simply beautiful! Thanks for the ideas.
