Happy Veterans Day! Many schools have off (lucky guys!) but us worker bees continue buzzing on. Still, I am making time to enjoy a most beautiful walk in the autumn sun today and contemplate the many sacrifices our veterans and their families have given.
I want to share autumn at my home with you today. It's a very golden day, which I'm enjoying to the utmost since the big arctic storm is on it's way and snowflakes are expected tomorrow.
vineyards in my neighborhood, the "Hills of Dundee" |
I never tire of the views as I drive up our street to do errands
a winery up the street from us |
Or the walk down our long country drive to get the mail, gazing on our neighboring vineyard.
We see this view each time we drive home through our little town. |
Or even just three steps off my back porch!
The walk from our porch to the back property. |
Even our koi are cloaked in autumn hues
we have 8 large koi and 7 babies born this spring. |
Our blueberry bushes gave us close to 30 gallons of berries this summer, and now they brighten our yard with deep orange and crimson; they deserve a good winter's rest.
two families of songbirds nested in this condo amid the blueberry bushes this summer |
I think I'll grab a steaming cup of spiced cider and meander a little longer along trails of crispy leaves and piney smells, for winter will all-to-soon cover this colored beauty with winter white.