A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Everything's Coming Up Roses

June is the month for the end of a school year, filling the wading pool, picnics, weddings... and roses!
We live about an hour from the "City of Roses," as Portland is called. The Parade of Roses was just this Saturday, and the Rose festival goes on for weeks in Portland.

Roses grow in our area without much attention, which is a good thing since at last count we had over 35 rose bushes.

We have shrub roses that line our driveway; they've never received supplemental water, fertilizer or been sprayed, yet they are prolific bloomers all summer. Their only drawback is the abundant thorns. These would make a good fence, as nobody would want to get caught up in these brambles!
The roses near our barn are extra hearty, too. Most of our roses are heirlooms, and I'm very partial to David Austin roses. 
The long blossom life and cupped shape along with an intoxicating fragrance made the initial expense well worth it, for these roses will be living here longer than we will.

Here's just a few more pretty blossoms in their full glory today...

“Some people grumble that roses have thorns; I am grateful that thorns have roses.”  

1 comment:

  1. Such BEAUTIFUL roses Nancy! Thank you for the pictures! I love that quote too. What a nice blog, made my day.

    Thank you.
