A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Lavender in Bloom

The lavender is just starting to blossom. I picked 5 large bunches off of just one plant to hang in the sunroom. This plant is four years old.

I cut handfuls, then place a rubber band around the stems, trim the stems all to an even, tidy length, and then hang them on hooks, cabinet knobs, etc. The house smells so nice!
I made this wreath for the garden shed out of last year's lavender bunches and some of our herbs.
Lavender can get very "leggy" and needs sheering to keep bushy and give lots of flowers; just don't prune or cut below the green stems. Sometimes, if conditions are just right, I even get a second flush of blooms in the late summer.
Our herb garden (garden house is in the background)


  1. I love lavender Nancy! Thank you for the tip. Thank you for the nice blog too.

  2. Anonymous8/08/2015

    I can just smell the lavender as I look at your pictures! Enjoy those herbs!
