Can you believe that we need a new calendar already?
Speaking of calendars, guess what I'm working on today? Yep; calendar art for 2017! In this business, we are always working at least a year ahead. Sometimes it's hard to paint Christmas in June. However, I never find it hard to paint spring and summer in winter.

I just came home from Atlanta Americasmart. It is a HUGE show for sellers, buyers and designers of anything imaginable for the home and garden. This year I came back with a suitcase load of inspiration. I was especially pleased to see that fine art and elegance have taken over whimsy. Not that whimsy doesn't have it's place, but I love the sophisticated look.
A blank canvas can be a little intimidating, don't you think? I have so many blank canvases in front of me at the moment with new licenses to design. We also all have 2016 just starting out fresh...what will this year hold for you and me?
We've had months of record-breaking, rainy El Nino weather. Warm, but rainy! However, yesterday was bright and a cheery glimpse of spring here in the Pacific Northwest. Although work was calling, the birds and sunshine called louder.
I pruned three fruit trees on my lunch hour...only 15 more to go!
Glen planted cabbage and a few other cool-weather crops last fall, hoping winter wouldn't be too frigid. He was spot on! The cabbage is pretty and should be ready for St. Patrick's day.
As I pruned, Glen chipped and shredded to make some nice compost for the flower garden.
These loads of wood chips spur me onto more pruning.
The English heather is in full bloom outside and the "lemon" amaryllis in bloom inside.
Daffodils are sprouting up everywhere. We plant at least 300 every fall for 16 years now, so you can imagine how many there are with naturalizing. Our little farmstead will be a dancing sea of yellow in a few weeks.
Today, I need to concentrate on paintings to fill new licenses and continue product lines for wonderful companies I've been with for years. Besides, it's raining out there again. Time to pour a cup of tea and put some color onto those blank canvases!

My wish for you is that the blank canvas of 2016 will be filled with joyful moments that unfold into content and fulfilling days.