A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

My Personal Road Map

"How can you know what you should do with your life? What’s your destiny? 
Your skill set—your ability—is your road map. It leads you to your destiny. Take note of your strengths. They are bread crumbs that will lead you to where God wants you to be, to the job and to the ministry he wants you to do." (Max Lucado)
Some of my handy "tools" I use almost daily
   I have wanted to be an artist for home decor since I can remember. I enjoyed engineering for over 25 years, but art and home decor was always foremost in my heart. Through various circumstances, I was thrilled at the opportunity to be a full time licensed artist about twelve years ago. 
A rainbow of markers I use for lettering
and some shading
Now, I'm happily painting for fabric, dishes, tapestry and other home and garden items. Best yet, I get to use my own creative license to add Biblical inspiration to some of my art. I've had many women email me because something in my art...a word, a feeling, a sentiment... has touched their life.
My watercolor pencils are great for on-the-go
or for fine shading to complete a painting
I have found my calling. I know, without a doubt, that I am where I should be and doing what God has planned for me at this time.
My very favorite tools which I use daily.
I'd be lost without my favorite paintbrush (the one with the worn blue handle)
which I use for 90% of my paintings.
I receive a very short, daily email from pastor, author and evangelical speaker, Max Lucado. His words start my day with a positive devotion. I felt that today's was written just for me.
"Remember, God loves you too much to give you a job and not the skills to do it. What you do for a living should conform to your design. One study stated that only 13 percent of all workers find their work truly meaningful. Imagine the impact this unhappiness has on health, family, and performance. Find something you like to do, and do it so well that people pay you to do it. That’s not just good advice; it’s godly design!" (Max Lucado)
You would think I collect colored markers if you saw my studio.

What's your heart's desire? Have you found a way to mold that desire into your work and daily life? For me, it looks like it came late in life. However, it came at the perfect time...God's time.

My palette at the end of the day. It gets cleaned and
refreshed each morning.

this link will direct you to a site to sign up for...Max Lucado's daily devotion.


  1. Anonymous8/19/2016

    I'm one of those who have been blessed by your art. Keep on painting!

  2. Don't ever change. I have a friendship calendar from a couple of years ago that you painted and framed some of the paintings from it.

  3. LuDonn from Mississippi8/19/2016

    I agree. When will you have another calendar?

  4. Thank you all for your encouraging words. I will have a new calendar for 2018, thru Legacy Publishing, called "Faithful Heart and Home."

  5. Thank you Nancy for another wonderful blog. I am also one who has been touched by your inspiration. Keep up the great work.
