A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Trying to Beat the Weather!

Tomatoes, and more tomatoes! We waited  (it seemed like forever) until we finally had some juicy heirloom tomatoes on the vines. But now the vines are drooping to the point of breaking with the large crop. We save seeds for the heirlooms each year, and the tomatoes grow larger each year. I wonder if it is due to saving the best seeds? Maybe because we use our compost for fertilizer? Who knows...I won't complain.
We needed to pick the San Marzanos this weekend so the rains wouldn't split them. That meant lots of canned tomato sauce! We also grow our own garlic, onions and peppers. 
Actually, there isn't much we don't grow.
We have almost 1/4 of an acre of garden. Most are raised beds. We have a north and south garden. Oh, I didn't even count the pumpkin patch!
But, back to the tomatoes. I encourage you to save your own seeds. However, they must be heirloom seeds (not hybrid) to come back as the same tomato each year.
To save your tomato seeds:
  1. Scoop some seeds from a very ripe, healthy, large tomato. (the seeds will have a gel-like substance on them)
  2. Place the largest seeds in a small container. (I use a teacup) Add room temperature tap water to just cover the seeds.
  3. Set in a semi-dark place, away from drafts, for about 5 days. (I set mine on a shelf in the dining room.)
  4. After about 5 days, a sheen of mold will form on top of the water. Carefully add fresh water and swish around, then drain water and mold off.
  5. Repeat step four about 3 to 5 times to clean and separate the seeds from any gel.
  6. Place damp seeds on paper towel. Allow to thoroughly dry. Place in a paper envelope and store in dry, dark place. These seeds can last up to 3 years if stored correctly.


  1. CStevens10/17/2016

    I'm going to save my seeds this year! Thanks for the tips.

  2. LuDonn from Mississippi10/17/2016

    Your art is amazing. Thank you for sharing.
