As I mow pine needles from the paths and cut the lawn areas overgrown from recent rains, I think what a blessing this time of year is. Just about anywhere that I have traveled, from Alaska to Georgia, they always say that fall is the best time of year.
We have a nice long fall in the Pacific Northwest, and the colors of the trees in our hills against the evergreens rival even New England; so I've been told by a couple of visitors from there. Afternoons are sunny and mornings are crisp. We average showers a couple of days a week, but they almost always come at night when the air cools.
I try to paint in the season, but have to admit that most of the time I am painting summer in winter and winter in summer; whatever the client needs!
Our sunflowers are so heavy that they can no longer follow the sun. These giants are over 8 feet tall and the head is almost 18" in diameter! They have plump seeds to the delight of many birds. See that sky? My photos are not re-touched. Our skies are the bluest blue all spring, summer and fall.
The pumpkins and other winter gourds are ready to harvest and place in the garden shed. But, first some of them will adorn the house for fall decorations.

It's time to get out everything pumpkin. The smells indoors and out are heavenly, and the crisp air is invigorating.
A large red maple tree way in the back of the property is always the first to show color. In a few weeks the entire tree will be red, but for now it is a rainbow of citrus colors.
I'm always sad to see the hostas leave for the winter. They are still lush with our sunny 70's afternoons, but the mornings have become brisk. You never know when they will decide to leave. They are fair weather friends that seem to be gone as fast as they pop up in early spring.
The crabapple branches bow to the ground with the heavy load of apples.
It's that time of year where there aren't enough hours in the day to do everything that I would like to, decorate, paint, garden and sometimes just sit on the patio and enjoy a pumpkin latte while the birds bath in fountain.