A Very Short Biography of Nancy E. Mink

Inspiration for October Calendar Page

There isn't a more colorful month than October on our farmstead. 
I grow a variety of pumpkins. Some make delicious pies, but most get set on porches, tables, fence posts and among the flowers. Recognize the pumpkin that was painted for the October calendar page?

The third week of October is usually the peak of autumn leaf color for our area. I was raised in northern California and had no idea how awesome autumn can be until I moved to the Pacific Northwest of Oregon. The colors of the leaves, clean and crisp air and bright blue skies are breathtaking during October. 
Our farmstead has a few oaks that are over 200 years old. To the squirrels delight, the ground is covered in acorns each October. Thus, the acorns with the colored oak leaves painted on the page.
Evening showers bring bright morning sunrises through our trees. No more watering pots in the garden. 

Time to get cozy by the fire and sip a pumpkin latte!

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